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College of STEM

Students over a bed of fire
College of STEM

The College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) provides studies 面向农业、天文学、航空科学、生物、化学、 计算机科学、地球与环境科学、工程物理、工程学 技术、信息技术、数学、医学检验科学、放射学 sciences and physics. Our outstanding, discipline-based programs are student-centered 旨在为学生在各级研究中担任重要职位做好准备, industry, education, medicine and government positions.

College of STEM

The College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) provides studies 面向农业、天文学、航空科学、生物、化学、 计算机科学、地球与环境科学、工程物理、工程学 技术、信息技术、数学、医学检验科学、放射学 sciences and physics. Our outstanding, discipline-based programs are student-centered 旨在为学生在各级研究中担任重要职位做好准备, industry, education, medicine and government positions.

College of STEM

The College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) provides studies 面向农业、天文学、航空科学、生物、化学、 计算机科学、地球与环境科学、工程物理、工程学 技术、信息技术、数学、医学检验科学、放射学 sciences and physics. Our outstanding, discipline-based programs are student-centered 旨在为学生在各级研究中担任重要职位做好准备, industry, education, medicine and government positions.


When our students and educators leave the classroom, they're launching balloons to the edge of space, landing prestigious fellowships and studying endangered bats in the back acres of Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

我们所有学生的共同点是他们如何利用他们的个人能力 experiences to make a quantifiable change in the scientific landscape. When you come 在奥斯汀·皮伊学院,你可以每天与教授密切合作进行研究 项目,实地考察和专业发展,以确保你准备充分 to enter the workforce.


Academic departments in STEM
Students enrolled in STEM programs in Fall 2020
Faculty & Staff
College of STEM Centers
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs

Academic departments in the College of STEM

我们所有的九个学术部门都拥有数十年的博士训练有素的教师 综合经验,致力于使每一堂课都有价值. 

Man standing in front of farm equipment

该部门,包括教师办公室和教室,都设在桑德奎斯特 Science Complex. The department oversees the 440-acre Farm and Environmental Education 中心,它位于距离主校区三英里的地方,主校区有1美元.2 million Animal Science teaching facility.

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Allied Health Sciences students work in lab
Allied Health Sciences

通过365bet的联合健康科学系,您可以为需求做好准备 医学实验室科学、放射技术、放射照相等医疗保健职业 and nuclear medicine.

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Biology students work at 365bet farm

Austin Peay State University’s Department of Biology 为许多人的职业发展提供一个智力和激励的环境 areas of biology.  Students can pursue training in field biology, botany, zoology, animal and plant physiology, microbiology, molecular genetics, and environmental assessment.

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Chemistry student writes on glass board

The Department of Chemistry 奥斯丁·皮伊州立大学获得了美国化学会的全国认证, 致力于学生的成功,并为学生准备各种各样的职业选择.  我们的使命是教育学生独立和批判性地思考,应用化学 概念和原理,以更好地了解科学世界,并帮助他们 become scientifically literate. We use innovative pedagogical and research strategies to engage students and cultivate a passion for chemistry and scientific learning. 

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Nathan Nickelson works in Technology building
Computer Science and Information Technology

计算机科学是现代世界发展最快的领域之一. At 365bet's Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, our published faculty 经验保证你将为任何计算机领域做好准备 of our many undergraduate degrees and graduate degrees.

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Students examine rock wall during alternative break trip
Earth and Environmental Sciences

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences 集中培养学生从事各种专业的工作,如 如地质科学、环境危害科学、地理信息科学、 and global environment and development. In addition, we also offer minors in Geology, Geography, GIS and Water Resources Management. 

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Student works on CAD program in Fort Campbell campus lab
Engineering Technology

工程技术是一门以个人为中心的科学 一个工程师,但同时希望能够参与实际的制造 or implementation of the items they modify or design.  It is a field that challenges 任何梦想成为工程师或技术专家的人都具备的能力.  

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Students works on white board in Maynard building
Mathematics and Statistics

奥斯汀数学系知识渊博、友好的教员 Peay are dedicated to providing a quality education in mathematics. 数学的研究提高了批判性思维能力,并提供了一个优秀的 任何领域的职业背景,包括科学、工程、教育、 law, and medicine.

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Student works in university observatory
Physics, Engineering and Astronomy

The 365bet Physics 专业的多样性足以为研究生学习或研究生学习提供更好的准备 career in a wide variety of physics-related disciplines, from Astrophysics to Engineering to Medicine.  Its large selection of major electives allow the student 根据自己感兴趣的职业道路来定制专业.

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Nerina Jusufovic
Nerina Jusufovic
Graduate, Biology major

Austin Peay has been wonderful to me; they’ve provided me with everything I needed 我认为,从学术上讲,我已经学会了所有我需要的东西 to learn by choosing to come here.
Elijah-Pharoah Carter
Elijah-Pharoah Carter
Cyber Security major

我一直很喜欢电脑,在我开始研究学位课程之后 在奥斯汀·皮伊,它让我确信这就是我需要的地方.
Perry Scanlan
Perry Scanlan
Professor of Allied Health Sciences

我喜欢成为充满活力和多样化的大学环境的一部分 from all backgrounds and helps them achieve their goals.
Joshua Allen
Joshua Allen
Physics major

我担心大学校的学生会超过我,但我 我很快意识到我们在讲一些我已经学过的东西,因为我 had been prepared by Austin Peay.
Waqas Ahmed
Waqas Ahmed
Biology/Pre-Med major

我想每个孩子都想去上大学,但当我去奥斯汀皮伊的时候, I fell in love with this place and its opportunities.
Jane Semler
Jane Semler
Professor of Allied Health Sciences

我喜欢了解我的学生,并帮助他们发现自己的长处 and weaknesses. It is rewarding to help an individual improve and overcome challenges.
Alexis Hill
Alexis Hill
Biology major

奥斯汀·皮伊对我比我想象的要好得多,如果我 如果让我重新来过,我还是会选择上这所大学.
Spencer paves way for 365bet students with South African journey

兽医预科专业的大四学生乔丹·斯宾塞(Jordan Spencer)在南非度过了一个暑假, 与野生猎豹一起工作,学习更多关于野生动物保护的知识.

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Austin Peay, Sierra Club to partner for Sustainability Forum on Sept. 12

该活动将讨论与克拉克斯维尔社区有关的关键环境问题和可持续性问题, 届时将有12名候选人参加地方和州政府的竞选.

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365bet announces biology research endowment honoring Dr. Susan E. Ford

The endowment, named after the late renowned shellfish pathologist Dr. Susan E. Ford, 是否会支持那些代表性不足的生物学教师的研究,并继续福特在学术卓越和指导方面的传统.

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Biology major Lavelle wins judo bronze for Team USA in Brazil


你只需要和Brinna Lavelle相处几分钟就能知道为什么她是世界级的柔道选手 今年7月,他代表美国队和奥斯汀佩伊州立大学参加了巴西奥运会 2018. 

Her attitude might be more powerful than her hip throws.



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